Technicolor DGA4331 Technicolor DGA4130 ## Getting started Get the last release clicking on the **Releases** button located on the **GitHUB** right panel or just click [here]( It's free for *personal use* # Prerequisites Windows operating system only ## Running the executables **desktop mode:** Double clicking the TechniWAN icon *shows the current IP* Dropping any file on TechniWAN icon *triggers the IP-change* *(press PAUSE to block countdown to window close)* **cmd mode:** C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>**TechniWAN** *shows the current IP, doesn't change it* C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>**TechniWAN** anything *triggers the IP-change* **other options (cmd mode):** C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>**TechniWAN** -uuser -ppassword *sets user, password and saves in register* C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>**TechniWAN** -R192.168.2.1 *sets router* C:\Users\Myname\Desktop>**TechniWAN** -x0 anything *triggers the IP-change with no countdown* ## Uses SRP modem autentication ## Built with tdm-gcc (10.3.0) ## Bugs Please contact me for bugs/improvements |